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Downside Primary School


Welcome to the Reception Page 

Welcome to the Year R page 

I am Miss Dinham and I am proud to be the leader of Reception this year and the teacher of Ruby class.

In Reception, I have an experienced team of teachers who will help to support your child/ren during their first year at Downside Primary School.

 Mrs Parker

 Mrs McIntyre

 Mrs O`Shea

  Miss Smith

 Crystal Class

 Emerald class

 Opal class

 Coral class

We are lucky to have a range of support staff who float between classes, so I am sure you will hear many names mentioned. 

Our aim is to give your child/ren the best possible start to their school life and to support parents and carers wherever possible.

 We hope you find this page informative and useful. 

As a reminder, if you need to speak to any of the teachers then please email the following address

Thank you for visiting the Year R page.

Miss Dinham and the Year R team.






Winter walk

This term we are learning about winter and have been on our winter walk to see how the tree has changed in this season. We learnt that the leaves have all died and trees are bare in winter.


 Previous Newsletter

Academic Year 2023/2024