School Meals
At Downside Primary School, we have our own team in the Kitchen, led by Mrs Peters, Kitchen Manager and Mr Bodsworth, Catering Manager. We work with 3 other schools, under the title of ‘Eat well in schools’.
Our dedicated team design appetizing menus, using locally sourced food, where possible. Vegetarian and Halal meals are provided daily and a ‘fun’ lunch is provided on a Friday.
The menus have been provided in colour and every day there are two options:
- Red option – this tends to be meat or fish.
- Green option is always vegetarian
Every morning, children will order their meal using the coloured menu. Children will then be given a coloured sticker and the dinners will be cooked to order. Please discuss the menu with your child, so that making the choice is easy!
If your child has an allergy, we have noted the key allergies on the menu. Where there is an alternative, this has also been noted.

All children in Reception and Years 1 and 2 are entitled to a free school dinner. Parents will be asked on entry whether they wish their child to have a school dinner.
In Key Stage 2, parents are required to pay for their child’s school dinner. The cost is set by the school and is currently £2.35- £11.75per week.
How do you pay for dinners?
The school accepts online payments through Scopay.
If you child normally has packed lunch but they would like to have a ‘fun’ lunch on Friday, the dinner must be ordered and paid for prior to, or on, the day.
Current Menu
If you need any further information then please click the images below for the menu choice or contact the school office .
Week beginning 6th and 27th January 2025
Week beginning 13th January and 10th February 2025
Week beginning 20th January 2025
Find out more about ‘Eat well in schools’:
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