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Downside Primary School





Modern Foreign Languages


Our MFL (Spanish)  curriculum is designed to inspire a lifelong love for learning Spanish and learning about the culture of countries where Spanish is spoken.. We believe that learning a foreign language is essential for personal, academic and professional success. Our curriculum empowers our pupils with the knowledge, skills and values necessary to thrive in the modern world.  We have chosen to teach Spanish at Downside as this is the second most common spoken language in the world. Through our broad, balanced and well-sequenced lessons, we inspire an appreciation of the wider world, and more specifically of Latin American countries and Spain.

At Downside Primary School, the teaching of Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), specifically Spanish, is underpinned by the values that are essential to our society in Britain. The curriculum is designed not only to impart language skills but also to helo our pupils a deep understanding and appreciation of mutual respect and tolerance, rule of law, individual liberty, and democracy.