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Downside Primary School




At Downside Primary School, our History curriculum is designed to captivate and nurture our children’s curiosity about the past, fueling their aspirations to become the Historians of tomorrow. We aim to foster a rich and broad Historical educational experience that empowers our children to delve, ask leading questions and articulate their views using learnt, rich historical vocabulary.

Our History Curriculum is unique and accessible to all learners. We offer a carefully sequenced curriculum that gives our children a broad understanding of the chronological development of both world and British history; ultimately cultivating lifelong learners who understand how history shapes the world we live in today.


Look at some of the amazing work and extended opportunities that the children have already participated in this year.

Great Fire of London Day 2024

Year 2 children had a fantastic Great Fire of London Day, hosted by an external company called History Off the Page. The event allowed them to reinforce their understanding of the Great Fire of London, their current history topic, through a range of enjoyable and engaging hands-on activities.